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Francesca & Jay — Minted




Francesca and Jay

Please join us for our wedding celebration

Our Story

Franki and Jay met in 2014 Boston University on a warm September evening on Gardiner St. in Allston, MA. Franki was with her freshman year roommate and Jay was with his group of sophomore friends, on their way to party. Jay stopped Franki and asked her to take a photo of his friend group. After the photo, flask in hand, Jay asked Franki if she wanted to go to the party with them. Though Franki did not join Jay at the party, they exchanged phone numbers before parting ways.

After weeks of texting, Snapchatting, and ignoring each other in the cafeteria, they finally hung out in person . From there, Jay invited Franki to go clubbing every weekend and Franki invited Jay to American Horror Story watch parties with her friends on Wednesdays. Franki met Jay's siblings, Sydney and Charlie when they came to visit.

On February 4, 2015, Jay officially asked Franki to be his girlfriend, and of course she accepted! They celebrated by roadtripping to Montreal for a below-0 degree Valentine's Day weekend.

As the school year came to a close, Jay decided to stay in Boston for an internship. Jay visited Franki in East Hampton and New Jersey where he met her parents, Wallace and Michelle. Franki visited both Boca Raton and Colorado to meet Jay's parents, Louisa and Paul, brother Loren and beloved Rockie.

July 4th weekend of 2015 was also very memorable - Jay and his longtime friend Michael Armour (groomsman!) visited New Jersey, and Jay finally met Franki's BFF Rachel Bernstein (soon to be Blaustein, matron of honor!).

As September 2015 approached, the pressures of the new school year, job searches, and life changes began to weigh on their relationship. Though very much still in love, it became difficult to navigate through the process of maturing. The young couple decided to take a break, occasionally seeing each other, but keeping some distance to grow individually.

Their off-and-on relationship continued for the next year and a half.

In May of 2017, Jay graduated from BU and was already working full-time at Panther Residential Management. By the end of that summer Franki, now aged 21 and Jay aged 22, had reconnected and decided that this time, it would work! They split time between Jay's Fenway apartment and Franki's Brookline brownstone.

While their intentions were true, timing and circumstance were against them. Franki's pending graduation in May 2018 and frustrating job search caused strife in the relationship. Knowing Boston was not her city, the couple yet again decided to break up.

This official break up, though heartbreaking at the time, was essential. The two were actually able to see each other platonically, without the pressures of a romantic relationship. In August of 2018, Franki moved out of her Brookline apartment with Jay's help, before moving to East Hampton, NY.

Over the next three and a half years, life went on. Franki and Jay still followed each other on Instagram, and checked in on birthdays. In 2021, Jay moved to Miami still working remotely for Panther Residential Management. Franki lived between East Hampton, New Jersey, and NYC, trying to find what felt right.

In February of 2022, Franki reached out to Jay to ask about his study abroad roommate, who had started dating a college friend of BFF Rachel's. As good girlfriends do, Rachel and Franki wanted to see what the new boyfriend was all about & who better to ask than the new boyfriend's former roommate!

Jay and Franki continued to chat after this initial reach out. Franki had just started in a new role as an Event Coordinator and Producer at the Ford Foundation in NYC, and in April 2022, she moved to an apartment in Midtown East. She decided to invite Jay to visit her in the city that summer.

June 2022 came around, and Franki excitedly made dinner reservations all around the city for college and home friends to gather. When Jay arrived in NYC, feelings from 8 years prior bubbled to the surface. The two were electrified being together again. After the first night, they each knew that they had found their way back to their person.

By the end of that weekend, plans for the future and forever were made.

On December 25, 2022, after months of planning with parents and Sydney, Jay asked Franki to marry him at The Boca Raton in Florida. Franki said yes - it was perfect and beautiful and a total surprise!

In April 2023, Franki and Jay moved from NYC to Boca Raton.


Our story takes a winding road, with a few pit stops along the way. These stops were ultimately what led us to feel confident in ourselves, and created space for our love to grow, thrive and persist.

We are so happy we found our way back to each other, and we thank you for being a part of our journey!